T.I.G.E.R.S. – Yeti, Odlin, Sampson and Apolo

Good day from  T.I.G.E.R.S. in Myrtle Beach!  Get up close and personal and see rare tigers and apes at this exhibit, with photo sessions available that help support the conservation and breeding efforts of these animals. Tiger trainers are also on hand to answer any questions.

Enjoy this recent article about T.I.G.E.R.S.:

These adorable cubs may look cute and unassuming but they are in fact the rarest of their species – and could grow to be the biggest cats in the world.

The four handsome male ‘liger’ cubs are the first ever to be born from a white male lion and white female tiger, making them the world’s most unique big cats.

There are only around 300 white lions and 1,200 white tigers left in the world, so the cubs’ father, Ivory and mother, Saraswati, are extremely rare in their own right.

  • Yeti, Odlin, Sampson and Apolo are the world's most unique big cats
  • First 'liger' cubs to be born from white male lion and white female tiger
  • At six weeks old, they already weigh 15lbs and gain a pound a day

According to Director Dr. Bahglavan Antle, Yeti is the biggest and most boisterous, pushing past his smaller brothers and wanting to be the center of attention. Doc says he is sure Yeti will reach the size of his Uncle Hercules, if not larger. "I am convinced Yeti will make the Guinness Book of Records. He's so big already – has such a big, fat head and paws. All the cubs grow so quickly but Yeti is already so much bigger". Apollo is the smallest and behaves more like a house kitten, purring all the time and demanding to be stroked. Ligers tend to enjoy swimming, which is a characteristic of tigers and are sociable like lions.  

"We've had everyone from Congressman to people from all walks of life get on planes to fly in to see such an incredibly unique sight", says Doc Antle, "they have such a beautiful creamy color that I have never seen on a cat before". By Lucy Osborne dailymail.uk.co

Please visit, support and join T.I.G.E.R.S. and the R.S.F in their worldwide education and conservation efforts.  For more info, go to myrtlebeachsafari.com .

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